Angelos Michaeloudes


Angelos Michaeloudes began drum lessons from a very young age and he continued his studies at the Contemporary Conservatoire of Thessaloniki at the Jazz/Blues/Rock department. He also holds a BA in Music gravitating in orchestral percussion performance from ARTE Music Academy.


He participated in a number of seminars, clinics and master classes with a lot of teachers and performers from Greece and abroad. He was part of the Youth Symphonic Orchestra as the lead percussionist. Angelos has played in numerous concerts with the Cyprus Symphonic Orchestra, with different percussion ensembles. He has worked in multiple occasions with well-known artists such as Avanti 4, Dionisis Savvopoulos, Giorgos Dalaras and Alkistis Protopsalti.  He also worked in various Operas and Musicals such as “Gourouniasmata” (1,2,3), “Amanda”, “My Snowman”, “Trash” and “The child and the tree” as their drummer/percussionist.  


He teaches Drums, Percussion and Theory at Potenzia Del’ Arte since 2014, and is part of Potenzia Summer School Activities.