Fengaros High Concert 2023 – Please support & vote for the participating POTENZIA students!

Fengaros High Concert 2023 – Please support & vote for the participating POTENZIA students!

Do support our student ALEXA MICHAEL  on Instagram by liking the video links below:



Fengaros High Concert 2023 – Please support & vote for the participating POTENZIA students!

We are thrilled to announce that one of our talented POTENZIA DEL’ ARTE students, Alexa Michael , has been selected as 1 of 6 finalists to participate in the inaugural young songwriters’ competition, Fengaros High 2023, https://fengaros.com/high! Organised by Louvana Records and Fengaros Festival, this competition offers a remarkable platform for young artists to showcase their original music.

Along with the other finalists, Alexa will present her music live during the Fengaros High Concert on 24 June 2023 at Dali Amphitheatre. At the concert, Alexa will be supported on drums, bass, and guitar by 3 other POTENZIA students – Harry Ioannou Doros Orphanides, and Natalie Christofidou.

During the concert, the winner will be selected through a combined voting process – 50% of the votes determined by the audience and the remaining 50% by an artistic committee. So, let’s rally together as a supportive community, attend the concert, cast our vote for Alexa and her band, and help them win this incredible opportunity.

There will also be a Special Appearance by our talented student Della Savvides ( DELLA )

More information and tickets can be accessed here: https://fengaros.com/high

Wishing Alexa and the band, A GREAT PERFORMANCE and “break a leg” as we say in such occasions! 

See you at the Fengaros High Concert 2023!