Little Guitarists


The “Little Guitarists ” lesson takes place in small groups of students (up to 4 children per group with the same age range) from 6 years old and above.


A unique lesson which is an introduction to the magical world of guitar, giving children the opportunity to develop musically in the future whether they continue with individual guitar lessons or a ny other instrument.


The aims of the course are beyond the acquisition of basic skills and basic understanding of the instrument itself, to develop children’s knowledge in the rhythmic education of music as well as in the reading of music text , through play and modern educatio nal methods


Even if children continue with any other musical instrument, the lesson will help them to cultivate their help them to cultivate their selfself–confidenceconfidence, to , to train their eartrain their ear and inner inner rhythmrhythm with with cooperation cooperation andand teamworkteamwork and will integrate them in learning and will integrate them in learning basic musical concbasic musical concepts that will be needed for a better understanding and epts that will be needed for a better understanding and perception of their musical instrument and music in general.perception of their musical instrument and music in general.