
 We have Modern and Classical Ensemble modules that increase the musicality and cooperation between our students and prepare them better for the future as working musicians. 
Potenzia Del’ Arte cooperates regularly with several recording studios and records demos with various talented students of our music department.

It is important that our students feel comfortable to perform in front of audiences! Our Music Department Students have the opportunity to perform in front of an audience at least 2 times a year, in our monthly Sunday Recitals. They also participate in various events and shows organised by Potenzia. 

We also prepare students for Universities of the highest standard all over the world

We Teach



Contemporary Piano

Classic, Electric, Acoustic & Modern Guitar










Theory Lessons – The Music Department offers theory lessons that include aural exercises to develop the musical ear, music dictation, traditional & jazz harmony, music theory, history & form of music, chamber music, instrumentation, composition etc. In addition, students are prepared for the Greek and English examinations and for entry to Universities and Colleges in Greece, Europe and United States.


We also teach JAZZ HARMONY for admission to universities/colleges of Netherlands & USA and the acquisition of credits from these universities.